Sunday, 14 February 2010

Another weeks training down

Wednesday was a club spinning session.  Same session as last week slightly lower average heart rate, but that's probably because my legs were knackered from the previous few days training.  Thursday evening brought a run.  A few loops of the common, wasn't really feeling it though so done as a gentle L2 effort.  Managed a reasonable distance, partly because I needed to work out where the flats I was viewing on Friday afternoon were so it turned into a 11.6 km run. Friday evening was the club swim, 2100m in total, my shoulder just about managed to hang in there. The 100m efforts were fairly average as I wasn't pushing too hard, the kick sets were pretty decent though, under 65-75s for 50m.

On Saturday I went to the TCR show.  First order of business wetsuit.  Tried on a 2010 Blueseventy Helix.  Wow, what a nice wetsuit. After some fitting advice from Dean I had it fitted nicely and it felt really really good. It was so much more comfortable than my Orca S2.  You can really feel the isolation of the shoulders and arms. Unfortunately all the retailers were under orders not to discount them, so the best deal I could get was about £40 off.  My BCTTT discount will be being used this week or next to seal the deal on that one.  Whilst I was there I also had a free 15minute sports massage.  Oh my god it hurt.  Said I was having some shoulder pain and it was quite bad in the muscles around it, so had it on my neck and shoulders.  I can't say it was relaxing, apparently Camilla went easy on me as she could feel me twitching.  I felt pretty good afterwards though so it worked nicely.  I may have to have a few more of them when I finally have some money.  I managed to be quite restrained otherwise, only subscribed to Triathlete Europe, bought some compression tights and a nice lightweight cap for the run in Barcelona.  Got a free mini kit bag and technical t-shirt with the cap as well bargin.  I managed to come away with an armful of gels as well. TFN were giving away 3 packs of High5 gels, so I managed to acquire 4 bags, plus some other gels so not a bad effort.  Managed to feed myself on carb gels, sweets and energy drinks as well.  Perhaps not the most balanced diet and it did give me a bit of a sugar buzz.  But I know now that the Cliff Bar Shot Bloks are really nice, albeit expensive and I shall be buying some of those come the summer.  The Torq energy drinks are bad either.

Today was a sort of rest day.  Went sailing for 4 hours which doesn't really count as training, still sport though and it appears we came 4th and 3rd in the two races so not a bad effort.  was going to go swimming but my shoulder is disagreeing with the sailing so holding off.  Might go in the morning if I can drag my sorry @r$€ out of bed.

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