Yesterday capped of a good weeks swimming. I got two sessions in, the first not as long as planned, and club training in the evening.
In the morning I mananged to do my warm up in a very crowded pool, seems everyone wanted to swim on Friday morning. the plann was for a 7x200m main set. Did the first 200m, coming in on a respectable 3:15. Started the second 200, got the wall after the first length, pushed off, took a stroke with my left arm. When I took the next stroke with that arm I realsied I must have pulled something as whenever I tried to push against the water it hurt a lot. Finsished did two more lengths and realsied the pain wasn't going away so binned the session. Rather annoying really.
I went to club training in the evening in the hope it was better, it was mostly although my shoulder joint wasn't going to let me forget it was there with a dull ache. The session went reasonably, some good 75m FC/25 backstroke kick sets to warm up, some 150s and 50m kick sets then a 400m effort. Having been quite pleased with my 6:52 earlier in the week, I was hoping to match it, and I did. 6:37 and I wasn't giving it my all because of my shoulder, things are looking up on the swim front. That 30 minute 1.9km I have in mind in just 126 days time now looks like it is a reaslitic prospect. Now if I can just get my bike and run fitness in suitable order I may have a good race and season ahead of me.
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