I've been getting rather lazy with updating this blog. A bit like my indifference towards training. My shoulder has still been hurting, so no swimming for me. That translated into me taking the entire weekend off training. No runs, no turbo time.
Monday was club run training. Some sprint sessions involving 1min, 30s and 20s efforts with standing rest. Some good speed work, I actually overtook a cyclist. Now if I was the cyclist I'd be pretty ashamed of that. Speed topping out at 23 km/h. Looking at the data My speed built in the first half of the longer sets and tailed off in the second half. My pacing was obviously off. Succeeded in pushing my heart rate properly into L4 on them, with 1 minute recoveries (on the longer sets) of around 20-25%. Short but sweet session.
Tuesday I went for a steady run, but it just wasn't feeling good. Shortened my plan from 11 to 8 km as there were just too many niggling things whilst I was running. Probably dehydrated when I went out. SO 8 km, 48 minutes L2a heart rate.
Wednesday was a spinning session. Started the evening off with a 2.5K warm up on the treadmill, I won't be fresh when I get on a bike normally, so why do it in training? I don't know what my HRmax for cycling is, but assuming it is 5-10 bpm lower than running then I didn't do too bad on the HR zones compared to usual. A mixture of "hills" and "endurance" sets in the session. I tried to pretend I was on tri bars on the endurance sets, it seems to get the heart pumping a bit harder. The reduced lung volume maybe? I managed to hold out at a reasonable effort level. I really wish the spinning bikes had tri bars though. I have a number of wishes when it comes to spinning bikes, they would pretty much make it a bike on a turbo though.
This evening I decided to get back in the pool. My shoulder has been getting better, the pain has moved from the joint round into the Trapezius muscle, so I figured I could give it a go. My shoulder held admirably. I managed 5 x 200m at an easy effort, only noticing my shoulder mildly on the last length. My speeds haven't dropped too much either, which is good. Consistent 3:30s for 200m, an acceptable pace for an easy evening session. Still need to hold of on the swimming a bit longer, may try again on Saturday. My biggest problem is the inertia of coming back from injury. Training is addictive, but like narcotics, when you have broken the addiction you don't necessarily have the desire to get back into it.
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