Sunday, 31 January 2010

Swim Thugs and Brick Sessions

I had another swim yesterday, the shoulder is getting much better. Managed 1750m, 200m warm up then 550m of kick drills split either side of 5x200m.  No pain, and acceptable effort levels (3:30 dropping to 3:45 on the 200s).  Well I say no pain, I mean no shoulder pain.  I left the pool with a headache and a sore spot on my head.  Forget "Swim Nemeses", I discovered a new breed of swimmer, the Swim Thug. 

Doing my kick sets at the end in the free swimming section (not too many people in it so no point holding up a lane), minding my own business doing FC kick, I saw a learner swimmer heading towards me.  I moved right up against the lane rope, should have been plenty of space.  Well not for this guy.  He seemed to be doing a new variant of finger drag, lock the elbow and swing the arm out wide, dragging fingers in the water for the recovery.  I got hit full force on the head.  It hurt like hell.  I'm used to a few bumps and bruises swimming, but people normally have the courtesy to appologise if they hit you that hard.  Didn't even appologise in the changing room afterwards either.  Thug.  Swimmers like that should have to pass a proficiency test before using a public pool. Hmm... rant over

After all the discussions of brick sessions on 220 and BCTTT, I got the crazy idea to do one this afternoon.  90 mins on the turbo whilst watching a film on sky (Live!, I wouldn't recommend it).  Not bad going, based upon my speed and gearing it didn't feel too much unlike a flat road.  Spent some reasonable time on the aerobars, although I really need to get some new extensions, those draft legal short things aren't wonderful. A 1:46 transition while I put some more clothes and shoes on.  A poor time but, in my defence I was so hot it was like getting dressed in T1 and I did have to tie my shoelaces.  Then an even more despicable 28 minutes for a 5.2K run, didn't even have serious jelly legs.  I'm gonna need to work pretty hard on that.

Not a bad week in all, 3 runs, 2 cycle sessions and 2 swims (the 5hrs 40 it took isn't sooo good).  I can start bringing some more swim sessions in again next week at last.

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